Our R&D programme gives us space to produce bold concepts and future business ideas.
Three tracks of R&D

Each quarter, we delve into a significant theme, such as Digital Identity, or address complex issues like Digital Legacy.
These investigative projects are designed to deepen our expertise and advance specialised skills.

Across two quarters, we bring concept areas to life, addressing immediate challenges or tackling broader issues in need of solutions.
At this stage, we develop these as propositions that showcase our expertise in meeting clear needs and generating interest.

The product track focuses on developing market-ready products that can be launched and tested through pilot phases.
Each quarter, we refine these projects to attract funding, aiming to bring one or two to market each year.

Rethinking the travel CX
Autonomous AI Agents
The rise of Autonomous Agents is set to disrupt many industries having the potential to reshape how customers interact with information, services, and experiences. Beyond efficiency gains, the challenge lies in striking the right balance between automation and human touchpoints.

Living better with dementia
Instinctively aims to tackle the loss of autonomy experienced by people living with dementia due to cognitive decline, by guiding people through daily tasks and embedding routines to memory. The system is designed to be discreet and adapt to each user’s environment.

Small steps, big change
Sway is a concept that uses behavioural science techniques to encourage people to reduce their burden on planet Earth. Our aim is to make climate change tangible through actions that can be easily committed to and measured.

A fair share of music for all
Concorder is a product aimed at enabling everyone to get a fair share of their own favourite music in shared spaces. A modern-day jukebox that aims to democratise the play queues of offices, restaurants, and other shared spaces that stream music. Concorder knows when a person is in that shared space and add songs they like to a queue.

AI and the future of education
Through this R&D project, we take a look at how AI has the potential to radically change the landscape of education. From drivers and catalysts of change, to hyper-personalised curriculums, real-time holistic evaluations, and A.I teaching assistants – let’s step into the classroom of the future.