Advanced thinking
Our R&D programme enables us the space to explore new trends, technologies, and practices with the intention of creating thought-provoking concepts and future business ideas.
A third space
R&D provides the freedom to be driven by passion and interest, and the time to develop new skills. We use it to stay ahead, to advance our thinking and bring that back to our client space, or develop partnerships for launching new products and services.
1. Research
Over a quarter we look at unpacking a big theme, such as Digital Identity or a problem area such as Digital Legacy.
These early-stage investigative projects are used to up-skill and develop specialist knowledge.
2. Concept
Over 2 quarters we make tangible a concept area that could either be solving an issue today or picking up on a broader problem area that needs solving.
At this stage they are developed as a proposition, showing how we apply our expertise to solve a clear need and create interest.
3. Product
The product track is intended to develop commercialised products that can be launched and tested in pilot phases.
These are developed over each quarter to seek funding to progress to market launch. We look to develop one or two of these per year.
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